Monday 7 October 2013

Opening Post...what with a letter opener...

Thoughts on the topic. (Pearl Harbour 3D Animation)

Quite a vast task to encompass all aspects of the events surrounding and occurring at Pearl Harbour. Could include many models. Planes, Boats, Buildings, People? Bombs allow for explosion techniques, atmospheric apparatus etc. Exploration of other particle effects is an opportunity. Could be interesting to consider how to transpose the ideas and themes of the topic into an alternate scene. Could explore different time or place or realm or something very strange and explore some more bizarre options to make the piece unique and different from just a historical look at the events of Pearl Harbour.  Water could be a key feature and how to deal with the water is going to be a learning curve. The water motion could be done via modifiers to the plane, or perhaps something based more in the texture. It could also be done via mass volumes of particles, but this could prove too taxing for machines. Water could be removed if the interpretation is outside of the realistic events.

Thoughts on previous example footage.

Audio was rushed and not thought out as well as it could have been. Dialogue perhaps needed greater drama to the tone and more separation between sentences to add gravitas. Sound effects were quite limited and repetitive, could have done with more variety in the explosions and debris sounds. Models were well crafted, propellers were somewhat slow (or at least appeared so), possibly could have been going faster to suggest the blurred motion of a real propeller. Shots were not necessarily the most interesting that they could have been; with the freedom of the cameras in 3DS Max more strange and unique camera shots could have been achieved. Compressing the entire tale into a 3 minute piece may have been an error as it seemed a little rushed in giving out the content. The ideas behind showing the war table effect with models being pushed away as planes passed over was fantastic and the execution of the idea was well done.

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