Sunday 26 January 2014

A telescopic periscopic pan...

For the opening image it was chosen to have a nice pan of the island in its tranquil beauty. As a slight alternate and to match up with the Carrier bursting through clouds scene previously created, I stumbled upon the notion that this pan could be used as a prelim to the attack and to give the suggestion of surveillance to work out the best plan of attack then and there. This led to the thought of submarines being under the water and using periscopes, and considering the Carriers had already been seen to start out under the cloud layer it was a reasonable thing to go down the periscope route with them. 

With the simple pans created via 3DS Max I used Adobe Premiere to create a circular feathered crop on the footage to suggest a scope, and also added an effect which curved the image as if it were a lens. Following this editing up with a new graphic of a scope, laid over the top, it was relatively simple to take 6 frames of the footage and rotate the scope round as the transition occurred to give the suggestion of adjusting the lens in the telescope/periscope to get a closer look at the island. 

It gave a rather pleasant intro to the island whilst also including reference to the imminent attack without fully giving it away.

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