Sunday 26 January 2014

Make mine Cheese and Ham…oh you asked what Role, sorry…

An important part of working as a team is delegating the tasks needed. These tasks need to be given out evenly and to those with the skill and drive to do them to the best of their ability. We decided fairly swiftly the key models needed for our animation, these were; Japanese Planes, American Planes, American Ships, Japanese Carrier and the overall backdrop to the entire piece. 

Jamal was tasked to create the Japanese Carrier, which was thought to be a fantasy inspired flying vessel with an area for planes to launch from. Lance was put in charge of the American style Ship, which was decided to be a fairly similar style to the original but with some mechanism that suggested suitability for flight. Katharine was given the planes, both American and Japanese, which were primarily going to be shaped to match up to the originals just with some fantasy extras to match the tone of the overall piece we desired creating. I agreed to take on the role of crafting the backdrop.

My immediate idea for the backdrop was the main island; my thoughts were to craft it to match the geography of Pearl Harbour whilst taking it into a fantasy realm and raising it into the skies of our land. The key benefit to the sky setting was the lack of ocean, thus I didn’t need to consider how I would create rippling waves and general water movement, however I did have to consider how to make the cloud layer I felt was necessary for emphasizing the sky setting. My initial thoughts revolved around atmospheric apparatus and fog settings. From this early stage some of the mood boards created displayed the idea of a mountainous piece of dirt under the island, as if the island had been ripped out of the earth and pulled upwards, this was something I definitely wanted to have when creating the island. To make a large set for us to have plentiful shots in I also desired some background items which could be seen at a distance, a waterfall, falling endlessly into the sky below is something I plan on considering, however the main island will take precedence over any small extras. 

Research/Reference Image Board

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