Sunday 26 January 2014

Dropping da bomb!

As a big finish to the piece it was always thought that a large explosion from one of the bomb drops would be a good plan. Therefore it is roughly what was accomplished. The scene is designed to be a contrast between what the island once was and what the island has now become. This is why the island changes from those two states while the bomb is left as the focal point. 

To realize this idea a destroyed Island state was constructed, this included planes crashed into buildings, a car flipped upside down, propellers flying about, and general smoke and flame, the bomb was then dropped from a burning Japanese plane and heads towards the island. A little above the ground time slows down and the bomb is panned around 360 degrees. To match this to a pristine version of the island, I grouped the objects utilised for this scene and merged them into an older version of the island which was setup to look normal and without any smoke or flames. Rendering out the same camera angle from a point a little later from the plane view meant I could get the same angle at the same pace so that the two can later be edited together to shift between the chaos island and the normal island. 

A key element of this section was the propeller slamming into the wall, although extremely quick and easily missed, this part was interesting to accomplish. I began by spinning the propeller into the wall with simple key frame animation, but the debris was created via a PFSource. The source was situated within the wall and using the particle view, I tried to find a way to get object fragments like with other particle arrays. Unfortunately I couldn’t find it but had accidentally set the PFSource to eject the building several times over. Initially it was huge full sized buildings being thrust out, but when I tweaked the size it sort of looked like bricks, it was a little bit lazy to leave it but the tiny buildings did actually work and with the scene being quite so swift it made no visual difference. As an added factor to this element I included a deflector on the floor in order to catch the debris and for it to pile up.

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