Sunday 26 January 2014

These aren’t the colours you’re looking for…

Well even though the previous post suggested the task ought to be colouring the buildings crafted, I ended up changing to a different idea and performed more construction. This time it was a car, as it felt like that would give some life to the island setting, the car could be moving around the island, this should be a simple path constraint however at this stage it is merely the modelling that is the focus.

The car began life much like the buildings and using the same method of adding vertices and connecting those vertices I pulled out the car to match the reference image of a 1940’s Dodge Staff Car. I included small details like the wing mirrors and even the lock and door handle. It took quite some time and this method didn’t fully go to plan, with the model warping and twisting on occasion, but eventually I worked out ways to do things and get it into the shape I desired.

After the construction of the main chassis was finished I was informed of a method of construction that might have proven a little simpler in the long run, this method was lofting. Although aware of the loft tool I had very little experience in it and only knew the very basic functions, i.e. take a path and a shape and have that shape run down the path to create a new shape. This new information was slightly more advanced and allowed for more complex shapes to be crafted. The way it worked was to be able to set different shapes at different points of the path, therefore you could have a square front and back but have a circular middle, or in the case of making the car simple you could have the bonnet shape between 0 and 33% then have the main body shape between 33% and 90% culminating in a boot section between 90% and 100%. With very few inputs needed this would have undoubtedly been quicker, any errors could also have been worked out by transforming it into a poly and making further adjustments to the shape. 

The finishing touches to the main car shape were the bumper which was made as separate shape and then merely grouped with the main body and the new mode of motion, the hover jets. To keep with the fantasy flying motif the wheels were replaced with an alternate design. Originally I tried fan style extras but decided that in no placement I could think of did they look appropriate, so ultimately I settled on a more hover inspired design. 

This time the job is to definitely colour everything, now including the car.

The best front view that could be found, it did make modelling awkward but I managed.

The side reference plate that I used for the car

Once more I stumble into the trap of plausibly unnecessary detail by including wing mirrors

The bumper was made with symmetry as with the rest of the car.

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